Lista de LIVROS Download
Chinese Grammar Made Easy
Chinese Grammar Made Easy presents instructors with innovative and classroom-tested techniques for teaching Chinese grammar. Its communicative, meaning-based approach helps teachers to engage students by bringing grammar into a practical, real-life context.
As a reference for daily teaching, this book discusses 150 of the most fundamental and frequently used grammar points that students need to learn in order to communicate successfully. Each grammar point is accompanied by various learning activities to engage students and provide structured practice.
Based on research conducted by a team of 25 experienced language teachers, Chinese Grammar Made Easy also offers:
• Clear and concise explanations of grammar concepts,
• Step-by-step teaching instructions,
• A range of exercises to reinforce each grammar point.
By providing pedagogical strategies, this book allows teachers to reflect on the effectiveness of their grammar instruction and to implement methods which fit the needs and interests of language learners.
Jianhua Bai is professor of Chinese at Kenyon College and director of the Chinese School at Middlebury College.
A Course in Chinese Colloquial Idioms
“500 Common Chinese Proverbs and Colloquial Expressions” is a dictionary of key Chinese proverbs or “suyu”. “Suyu“ are vivid and colourful expressions widely used in Chinese language. The smooth use of “chengyu” in Chinese writing and of suyu in spoken Chinese not only makes communication more effective, it is also an indicator of mastery of the language. ...
Advanced Chinese
Written and designed for advanced learners of Chinese, this book and its accompanying audio program focus on the variety of linguistic strategies that are essential in real-life communications. The lessons include texts that are representative of current life in China and that are authentic works of literature. Five types of discourse are considered in detail—narration, description, persuasion, exposition, and lyrical expression.
With carefully crafted vocabulary, grammar, and exercise sections in each lesson, the book assists learners in improving writing and speaking skills, recognizing the difference between colloquial discourse and more formal discourse, and acquiring a sophisticated understanding of the meanings and nuances of the language. The authors also include a useful list of supplementary readings that may be used to enhance the texts in the book. An mp3 CD is included with the book.
Yanfang Tang is associate professor of Chinese at the College of William & Mary. Qinghai Chen is lecturer at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Boya Chinese
Chinese series textbook specially recommended for intensive Chinese Courses
Brushing up vocabulary for HSK - Xia
chinois mode d'emploi
Cet ouvrage vous propose un apprentissage clair et synthétique de la langue chinoise. II vous permet d'appréhender l'écriture et sa transcription phonétique, d'acquérir les connaissances grammaticales fondamentales, et de connaître le vocabulaire indispensable à la pratique de la langue.
A2 à B2 du nouveau HSK
Cette méthode a été élaborée pour optimiser et développer votre compétence en lecture du chinois. Avec ses 40 leçons, elle présente des situations réelles de la vie quotidienne et dans les activités sociales. Elle vous permet de progresser Etape par Etape tout en révisant les mots et les points de grammaire. Chaque leçon comprend un texte en chinois accompagné de : son enregistrement sonore sur 1 cd mp3 (d'une durée totale de 3h), sa transcription phonétique en Pinyin, sa traduction en français, des explications de grammaire et de vocabulaire, des questions en rapport avec le texte.
Remembering Traditional Hanzi: Book 1 & 2
Not sure if this was posted before, I was unable to locate it on the site.
At long last the approach that has helped thousands of learners memorize Japanese kanji has been adapted to help students with Chinese characters. Book 1 of "Remembering Simplified Hanzi" and "Remembering Traditional Hanzi" covers the writing and meaning of the 1,000 most commonly used characters in the Chinese writing system, plus another 500 that are best learned at an early stage. (Book 2 adds another 1,500 characters for a total of 3,000.) Of critical importance to the approach found in these pages is the systematic arranging of characters in an order best suited to memorization. In the Chinese writing system, strokes and simple components are nested within relatively simple characters, which can, in turn, serve as parts of more complicated characters and so on. Taking advantage of this allows a logical ordering, making it possible for students to approach most new characters with prior knowledge that can greatly facilitate the learning process. Guidance and detailed instructions are provided along the way. Students are taught to employ 'imaginative memory' to associate each character's component parts, or 'primitive elements', with one another and with a key word that has been carefully selected to represent an important meaning of the character. This is accomplished through the creation of a 'story' that engagingly ties the primitive elements and key word together. In this way, the collections of dots, strokes, and components that make up the characters are associated in memorable fashion, dramatically shortening the time required for learning and helping to prevent characters from slipping out of memory.
CHINESE MANDARIM - Learning the caracters
Zhongwen 中文 (Mandarin Chinese Language) course materials were written for overseas Chinese and their children in 1996 by College of Chinese Language and Culture, Jinan University, under the commission of Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council of People`s Republic of China. The entire course materials consist of 48 books, including 12 text books, 24 exercise books (book A and book B ), and 12 teacher`s reference books.
250 Essential chinese characters
250 Essential Chinese Characters Volume 1 is a second edition, completely revised and with 50 percent new material. Featuring a new design; tips for mastery throughout; exercises in AP-exam format; progressive review sections; and several indices, this volume is a crucial learning tool for anyone interested in Chinese.
Master each character's radical, stroke count and meaning.
Grow in proficiency by learning compound words.
Example sentences show how to use them in context.
Review activities reinforce your leaning progress.
Helpful writing guides and practice grids for every character.
After studying this book together with its companion, 250 Essential Chinese Characters, Volume 2, you'll have learned 500 of the most important characters in Chinese, and thousands of words in which they appear. Whether you're new to Chinese or coming back for review, each of these 250 characters offers you ways to improve your Chinese skills.
Colloquial CHINESE
A major title for a language spoken by 70% of the Chinese population. The official language of Taiwan and Hong Kong, and known as "Mandarin Chinese" in English-speaking countries, Colloquial Chinese has been specially written by an experienced teacher for self-study or class use.
Spoken Chinese 900
Audiocourses spoken Chinese language, also known as "Chinese - 900 phrases.
Langues pour tous - Chinois 40
Vous souhaitez vous initier au chinois parlé et écrit ? Voici une méthode d’auto-apprentissage qui vous donnera les éléments de base pour aborder la langue parlée à Pékin, qui est la langue officielle de la République populaire de Chine et de Taïwan.
Learn Chinese by Reading Newspapers II
Guo'an, Wang - Learn to Speak Chinese - Book 1
Magical Chinese Characters
After finishing Magical Chinese Characters - Building Blocks for Learning Chinese Character, you've already had a good foundation for learning Chinese characters. Now you are ready to move on to the second stage, during which you will learn about 1000 compund characters. Compound characters are composed of two or more building blocks (core chracters). We have chosen from Building Blocks for Learning Chinese Characters the most commonly-used building blocks which can be used as radicals in compound characters; we have also added some radicals which do not by themselves occur as characters in modern Chinese. These radicals will comprise the focuses of our lessons, and you will learn some compound characters composed of them. You will find it not difficult to learn these characters and that you can make significant progress in your character learning. Magical Chinese Characters: Radicals for Learning Chinese Characters volume 1, it's for the elementary chinese learners. There are 2 units 27 lessons, for each lesson it included: the text, the radical, the vocabulary and the writing. Magical Chinese Characters: Radicals for Learning Chinese Characters volume 2 has altogether 25 lessons in 2 units. The unit of "Nature Related Ⅱ" introduces 11 Chinese radicals and the 216 Chinese characters composed by them. The unit of "Manmade Related" introduces 17 Chinese radicals and the 313 Chinese characters composed by them. For each character, its form, meaning, writing method, usage and word formation are introduced in a scientific and practical way. The simple and interesting texts contain the many characters of the same radical, facilitating the students' memorization and mastery of characters.
The Rough Guide Phrasebook: Mandarin Chinese is the definitive phrasebook to help you make the most of your time in China. Whether you want to book a hotel room, ask what time the train leaves or buy a drink from the bar, this new phrasebook will help you communicate with the locals in no time with a dictionary of over 5,000 words. The free audio downloads, recorded by native Mandarin Chinese speakers, can be downloaded to your computer or MP3, allowing you to listen to the correct pronunciation of essential dialogues, ideal for practicing before you go or while you're there. There's even a regional pronunciation guide and Rough Guide travel tips, so wherever you are you can get around and speak the lingo. The Rough Guide Phrasebook Mandarin Chinese has an extensive two-way dictionary packed with vocabulary and a helpful menu and drinks list reader, perfect for choosing the right dish in any restaurant. With this phrasebook in your pocket you'll never run out of things to say!
One Minute Mandarin
An unashamedly practical introduction to spoken Mandarin Chinese, for anyone who wants to impress their Chinese hosts, but doesn't have time to take a proper language course. Designed specifically for busy professionals traveling to China for work, it includes essential phrases that are easy to learn and pronounce, as well as invaluable cultural background.
Heading off to China for a business trip? Don't know a word but want to impress? Grab One Minute Mandarin and make the most of your travelling time!
One Minute Mandarin is designed for anyone who hasn't got time to study Mandarin seriously, but wants the essential phrases to get by in the street and in meetings. It is written in pinyin rather than Chinese script to make learning easy, and it covers the basics of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation, with an emphasis on spoken Mandarin.
It includes invaluable phrases and quotes that can be worked into speeches, and tips on etiquette and culture that will make even a brief stay in China a richer experience.
One Minute Mandarin is accompanied by a website with downloadable audio files for your iPod or laptop. You can use it to tune in your ear to key phrases in Mandarin and practise your pronunciation.
Practical Chinese for Official Functions 2009
Shanghai Dialect for Foreigners
Edited by 徐子亮 (Shanghai Haiwen Audio-Video Publishers, 2005)
Review by: John Pasden
Make no mistake — this new Shanghainese textbook’s audience is foreigners. Although there are some Chinese instructions or translations here or there, the overall impression is of devotion to the English-speaking foreigner. This is not a Mandarin textbook, and as a result you will find no pinyin. All pronunciation is given in IPA. The CD comes with the book.
What impressed me about the CD was that the dialogues were between older speakers instead of young people. Living in Shanghai, I feel that I most often hear Shanghainese spoken by middle-aged men and women women (think convenience store clerks, guards, taxi drivers). Consequently, the CD’s dialogues feel particularly familiar and helpful. The drawback was that the British English speaker on the CD talks very slowly, as if he were addressing a non-native speaker.
The textbook devotes an impressive 17 pages to pronunciation, covering all consonants and vowels in multiple positions, presenting a wide variety of Shanghainese syllables, all glossed in IPA. Despite this thoroughness, tones/sandhi are given barely a mention and do not appear later in the vocabulary lists either.
Each lesson is broken down into (1) Daily Sentences, (2) Dialogues, (3) Key Words, (4) Vocabulary Development, and (5) Shanghai Culture. Notably absent is notes on grammar.
Although it is light on grammar and the particulars of Shanghainese’s tones, this 144-page textbook offers foreigners a competent introduction to Shanghainese with little fluff.
Volume 2 of Speaking Chinese (3rd Edition) has altogether 20 lessons in 7 units covering topics such as Chinese Customs, Marriage, Architecture in Beijing, Visiting Someone, Education, Local Flavor, Visits.
Streetwise Mandarin Chinese
Uncover the everyday Mandarin Chinese as it's spoken on the streets and in the alleys of China. With the help of Streetwise Mandarin Chinese, you'll get clued in on the frequently used idioms, colloquialisms, and slang currently used by Chinese speakers of all walks of life. The accompanying audio recordings include thirty dialogues performed by native speakers that bring the language of the streets alive and make remembering new terminology easy.
Como dizer tudo em chinês NEGÓCIOS
Chinois pour tous
Chinese Phrases For Dummies
Hundreds of useful phrases at your fingertips
Speak Chinese - instantly!
Traveling to China but don't know Chinese? Taking Chinese at school but need to kick up your conversation skills? Don't worry! This handy little phrasebook will have you speaking Chinese in no time.
Business Mandarin Chinese is a three-hour, all-audio, straightforward course that will help you to acquire essential up-to-date business language. You can use the course at any time – to dip into in the office or as a refresher before travelling to a meeting. Through realistic conversations and authentic material, the ten Business Zones will give you all the specialist terms you need for your role or your project.
The three CDs come with a booklet containing the transcript of the recorded material as well as a glossary listing all the vocabulary from the course. The accompanying culture book contains tips on etiquette and business culture so you will never be stuck for something to talk about or worry about committing blunders.
201 Chinese Verbs
250 Essential Chinese Characters for Everyday Use, Vol. 1
Each character is shown in both simplified and traditional form, along with its pronunciation and meaning. Information is given about the radical (essential for finding it in a Chinese dictionary) and other components. The character configuration and stroke order are clearly shown, along with other tips to help form it correctly. A grid of practice squares for each character page allows the user to build confidence in writing Chinese. * Several compounds are also listed for each character. Each of these is likewise accompanied by its pronunciation, meaning and an example sentence (also transliterated and translated). These compounds and sentences build vocabulary and give extra practice in reading Chinese. All compounds are listed in an alphabetical index at the end of the book for ready reference. * Each set of 10 characters is followed by a quiz containing a variety of imaginative exercises to review and practice the recently learned characters. * Each set of 50 characters is followed by a "Character Building" section designed to build familiarity with identifying radicals within characters, a Review of vocabulary learned, and a Word Puzzle as an enjoyable way of revising the material covered to that point.
The Most Common Chinese Radicals
108 most commonly used Chinese radicals are introduced in this book, sequenced from the simple to the more complicated according to their number of strokes. Each radical is explained by its name, meaning, function, origin, way to write and the number of strokes, and followed by several compound characters sharing the same radical. This book introduces to foreign students the basics of how to write and learn the Chinese characters in the most efficient way.
La scrittura cinese
Chinese Writing System
HSK Nivel 1 - As 150 Palavras Mais Importantes Com modelo de escrita
A PRACTICAL Chinese-English Dictionary of idioms
Chinese Characters Dictionary
Mandarin Chinese Learner's Dictionary
This dictionary includes more than 10 000 of the most frequently used Mandarin Chinese words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions. Because Pinyin is used throughout the dictionary, it's deal for anyone learning the language. You'll find more than simple definitions - examples show you how the most essiential words are used in everyday conversations.
A practical chinese grammar for foreigners
A Practical Chinese Grammar For Foreigners Is a Chinese-English bilingual primer modern Chinese grammar.In compiling this work,the authors have draw up their years of experience in both teaching Chinese as a foreign language and compilation of language textbooks.
Basic Chinese - A Grammar and Workbook
Aprenda chines com 500 palavras (portugues)
Fluenz Mandarin
If you are interested in learning mandarin, then the Fluenz Mandarin Language software is something that you should consider. Anyone who is familiar with the Fluenz language software products knows to expect an impressive multimedia learning experience that offers students as much learning as the desire at a pace that is challenging but interesting and engaging. It is an excellent product for anyone who wants to know how to learn Chinese.
The only interactive language program featuring real teachers who guide learners every step of the way, explaining in English the intricacies and shortcuts of Chinese. Ideal for those who thrive in a teacher-oriented learning environment, who need to understand how the language works in plain English, and who seek relevant Chinese they can actually use while in China.
Hable mandarín con 1000 palabras
En la “Gramática y Frases” se espera que los estudiantes puedan aplicar el vocabulario aprendido para usarlo en la vida diaria con un chino más fluido y natural. Se han hecho grandes esfuerzos para conseguir el máximo fruto de este libro.
Basic Cantonese
This Grammar and Workbook is ideal for learners of Cantonese wishing to take their knowledge of the language beyond the elementary level. Its twenty-eight units highlight the key building blocks of sentence structure and comprise a structured introduction to essential grammar points. Each unit also features exercises, focusing on the communicative language, devised to perfect the students knowledge of these grammar points.
Its clear presentation and lack of jargon mean that it can be used in conjunction with a language course or for independent study. It will also prove invaluable for revision and reference. Featuring an introduction to the language, full key to exercises and a glossary of grammatical terms, the Grammar and Workbook provides a firm foundation on which to build proficiency and confidence in speaking, reading and writing Cantonese.